How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth: BOOK REVIEW

How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth: BOOK REVIEW

The old adage still floats around our society, “People can make the Bible say whatever they want it to say.” Even among less cynical churchgoers who profess a high view of Scripture, many seem lost when it comes to accurately interpreting and applying God’s Word. Conservative evangelical churches are ripe with classes, small groups, and even sermons that ignorantly contort the scriptures and rip them out of context. Every election cycle in America is met with Christians publicly (yet unknowingly?) claiming promises for their “homeland” that were only intended for national Israel (e.g. 2 Chron. 7:14).

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Culture Care: BOOK REVIEW

Culture Care: BOOK REVIEW

…Artists are largely ignored at the fringes of society or merchandized as cogs in the gears of a profiteering industry. In both circumstances, the garden of the culture, in which all of us reside, suffers great detriment and loss. Therefore, Culture Care was written “to inspire individuals and to inform the wider movement in providing care, for us to become co-makers with the divine Artist into the new creation”

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